In #BayArea with 30 minutes to chat VR / AR / AI / Message Bots / Blockchain / Corporate Innovation…

Looking for awesome ‪#‎SanFrancisco‬ people to learn from.

In #BayArea with 30 minutes to chat VR / AR / AI / Message Bots / Blockchain / Corporate Innovation…

In #BayArea with 30 minutes to chat VR / AR / AI / Message Bots / Blockchain / Corporate Innovation and Sports tech?

Looking for awesome ‪#‎SanFrancisco‬ people to learn from.

I’m in the San Francisco Bay area from 27 Aug to 15 Sept for 2 conferences*.

Who’s the most interesting person you know doing the coolest stuff that has time to catch up with me for 30 minutes?

I’m interested in VR / AR / AI / Message Bots / Blockchain / Corporate Innovation and Sports tech. Happy to supply drinks / food / coffee in exchange.

Why meet with me? We’re looking for startups and early stage companies to work with.

* Singularity University Global Summit and RocketSpace Innovation Collective