How to Work Smart, then work Hard at working Smart

Every day I see businesses struggling with this very simple issue, an issue that defines the essence of how a business operates.
Efficiency vs Effectiveness.

Efficient VERSUS Effective

credit : mansikka on Flickr

Work Hard, not Smart.

When I work with an efficient business, they’re often very short term focused, burning resources, all working extremely hard and feeling great as they’re servicing their customers, delivering their projects and making money.

But at what cost? Burnt out people, high levels of anxiety, huge command and control issues, fighting fires and much lower margins due to the ‘we’re proud that we can deliver at all costs’ approach.

Not Smart.

Work Smart, not Hard.

Effective businesses, however, tend to take a more tactical and strategic approach, asking

“what is the minimum viable process & resource we can apply at the lowest cost to ensure we get the correct outcome?”

More time is spent thinking, collaborating and planning. This creates a more purposeful, less stressed, higher productivity business.

Still servicing customers.

Still delivering projects on time.

Still making money.

With more focus, more energy and happier staff.


Work Smart, then work Hard at working Smart

What do you think? Are you experiencing Efficiency or Effectiveness at work?