An example of 10x Customer Retention by Uber
10x Customer retention or coincidence?
I’m traveling in San Francisco for the Singularity University Global Summit, Rocketspace Innovation Collective and many research meetings with VR, AR, AI, Bots and other startups and at scale companies, and, of course, I’m using Uber everywhere.
While down in Palo Alto a friend suggested I try Lyft and compare the rates to get back to San Francisco.
This could be a huge coincidence, but this happened:
- I downloaded Lyft
- I checked the price on Lyft.
and then magic happened.
- When I went back to check Uber , I got this message:
That’s right — 50% off up to $10 per ride for the next TEN rides. Either a massive coincidence or somehow they know I downloaded and compared prices.
They had me at TEN rides. How do you compete with that?
10X Customer Retention in action.